Here at Amherst Veterinary Hospital we have a new tool used to trim dog’s nails called a Dremel. The Dremel is like a hand held sanding device that gently shortens and shapes the nails. This technique is great to use on all dogs, however can be especially beneficial for dogs who have long quicks or are nervous of or especially sensitive to nail trims.
Trimming nails with a Dremel allows for:
-a shorter nail trim, closer to the quick (the quick is the blood supply to the nail, if clipped can bleed and be quite painful)
-eliminates sharp edges often left by traditional nail clippers
-is more comfortable and less stressful for the dog
-eliminates bleeding
In this video we have Keeva, a lovely patient of Amherst’s, who recently visited our hospital to have her nails trimmed; here she is helping our technicians demonstrate how to properly use the Dremel.