by Amherst | Nov 8, 2018 | Blog, Roast's Posts
Not all dogs like puppies, and it’s not hard to tell why. Puppies lack manners. They nip. They jump. They have seemingly endless piles of energy. Ask anyone with a puppy and they’ll tell you that nothing is more difficult than training a new one. What makes us humans...
by Amherst | Apr 15, 2018 | Blog, Roast's Posts
I have reason to believe that Pot Roast emerged from his dog momma’s womb with toenail issues. There’s always something going on with them—they’re growing in crooked and pressing into his foot pads, they’re cracked and purple, they’re being ripped out entirely during...
by Amherst | Feb 9, 2018 | Blog, Roast's Posts
The Cadillac of Comfort I’ve written before about Pot Roast’s love of the Great Canadian Road Trip. It doesn’t matter the destination. He’s happy to have the wind in his fur, his head out the window and a squishy bed offered in the back seat. He spends most of each...
by Amherst | Dec 1, 2017 | Blog, Roast's Posts
Allergies. I’m suffering. The dog is suffering. The world is full of weeping eyes and itchy palates and sneezes. It’s the season for ragweed and shedding leaves, and I look forward to some element of frost so that I can breathe again. Pot Roast seems to be on board...
by Amherst | Nov 9, 2017 | Blog, Roast's Posts
As a freelance writer and editor, I love working from home, but it comes with its challenges. Sure, I get to wear sweatpants while slurping my fifth coffee of the day, but I also get consistently, constantly, lovingly smothered by Pot Roast at any and all stages of...
by Amherst | Sep 14, 2017 | Blog, Roast's Posts
I’d had a rough week, if I’m honest. Between my ear infection, car issues and manic work deadlines, I’m just barely keeping my head above water. But what I do have in all this is a perfect nest of baby robins that are thriving in safety under my deck. It would be an...