As many of you know, we had a team of 8 riders participate in this years Ride to Conquer Cancer. Over the weekend they rode over 200 kilometers from Vancouver to Seattle and as a team raised over $28,000! Their ride could not have been possible without the overwhelming support and enthusiasm from YOU, our lovely clients, as well as from wonderful friends, family and acquaintances. The ride overall was a success, collectively raising a whopping $7.1 Million!!! All in the name of a cancer free world.
Ride to Conquer Cancer Recap
Saturday morning, the opening ceremonies commenced at 7am, shortly after the riders started their epic journey.
Along the way, the riders were treated to a beautiful route through farm lands, small towns and beautiful back roads, with a setting of rolling hills and mountains. Day one brought some challenging winds, but luckily the route thus far was relatively flat and there was not one drop of rain.
There were multiple pit stops along the way where riders could take a break, stretch sore muscles, and refuel with snacks and refreshments. There were also “sweeper vehicles” driven by volunteers, who drove along the route to pick up any riders with injuries or in need of a break.
After 125 kilometers day one came to an end. As riders rode into camp they were welcomed by the enthusiastic cheers from fellow participants and volunteers. They were also greeted by beer trucks, for a well deserved beer, and looked forward to a night of dinner, live music, and speeches. The camp was equipped with massage tents, games, bike mechanics for tune ups, shower facilities and of course cozy tents.
Day two started off bright and early, riders were up at 5:30am for breakfast, packed up their camp and reclaimed their bikes from storage. Between 7am-8am riders had to leave the camp to hit the road for the last leg of the journey. Day two brought a more challenging ride, with more hills, especially near the second half of the route. But as challenging as the course was it was equally beautiful, bringing riders through bike trails that weaved in and out of wooded areas.
After 115 kilometers the second and final day came to an end. At the finish line there was a beer garden, dinner, shower facilities, and a shuttle from the finish line back to the start line.
We could not be more proud of team Amherst and all of the participants in the 8th annual Ride to Conquer Cancer. Our team would agree that the experience was inspirational, motivational and emotional, as most everyone has been touched in one way or another by this horrible disease.
We are already looking forward to next years ride. If you are interested in participating in next years ride tryouts for Team Amherst are open and acceptance is guaranteed!
We would also like to thank Paula of Skunkworks, the creative director behind our wonderful jerseys!