by Amherst | Jul 3, 2014 | Blog
As a Vancouver animal hospital it is us our goal to make sure the animals of our community are safe and healthy. One way we take action is by sharing information that educates pet owners about potential hazards and risks. Threats are not always obvious. In fact, many...
by Amherst | Mar 12, 2014 | Blog
Of all the classes of insurance that are available, our Vancouver veterinarian hospital has noticed that pet insurance is probably the most disregarded. Most people believe that their pet will not need it, or that they will have built up sufficient funds to cover any...
by Amherst | Mar 5, 2014 | Blog
Probably the most common, but also the most fallible means of identification that our Vancouver Animal Hospital has learned is a pet collar with an identification tag attached. Unfortunately, all too often the collar falls off, and it is impossible to locate the...