Endocrinology (Hormones)

EndocrinologyEndocrinology is the study of hormones and there are several common endocrine disorders found in dogs and cats.

One of the more common endocrine diseases of dogs is diabetes. Clinical signs are increased drinking, frequent urination, and weight loss. Treatment involves daily insulin injections and regular monitoring of blood glucose levels.

Hypothyroidism is also often diagnosed in dogs. Hypothyroidism indicates that the animal has low levels of circulating thyroid hormone. The opposite is true for cats. They are frequently diagnosed with high levels of circulating thyroid hormones as they age.

Additional endocrine problems include Cushing’s Disease (excessive cortisol) and Addison’s Disease (insufficient cortisol) which can be diagnosed through various stimulation/suppression tests.

There are many signs observable in pets with endocrine disease. These signs include (but are not limited to) the following: abnormal energy levels, abnormal behavior, abnormal drinking, urinating and eating behavior, excessive panting, skin disorders, and weight gain or loss. If you note any deviation from the normal behavior, be sure to mention it to our veterinarians at the time of his/her physical exam.

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